Saturday, November 26, 2022

we beat the Fighting Irish!

Well, yes, we do seem to have watched a lot of USC sport this weekend ... Here is not one of the stunning moments in which our superstar quarterback, Caleb Williams, scored one of his touchdowns against Notre Dame (ran three, threw another), but the start of the fourth quarter, in which the dubiously-named Traveler canters on; his rider points their sword at the Olympic torch that rises high above the east end of the Coliseum and - the torch bursts into flame.  This is sublimely ridiculous, as opposed to the ridiculously-ridiculous: today's original cocktail served in the President's Suite in a commemorative glass, celebrating not just this particular game, but 100 years of the Coliseum (and then little brown paper carrier bags in which to take our glasses home ...).  It was quite a shift, after the last few years, to make our annual visit to a home game, and cheer, not groan ...


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