Saturday, June 15, 2024

and I'm off ...

This would, of course, be the day that June gloom, May grey, etc etc, finally lifts ... the reservoir this morning was a big question-mark about why one would ever leave home (let alone Alice, cats, etc).  But off I go! for a very mixed bag of conferences, bits of research - well, just about - and traveling, and, I hope, drawing.  I really spent some time thinking about what, in decades past, made me happiest when traveling on my own, and the answer invariably was drawing what's in front of me.  It's not that I'm entirely rusty - but we'll see what happens.  Meanwhile, I've made it to LAX, and of course old habits die hard: rather than putting pencil to paper and recording what's outside the window, I'm putting slides together for a conference talk ...


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