Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Abiquiu (and an owl)

This was our view this morning at the Abiquiu Inn - beautiful land.  And apricots hanging thickly on the trees;

as were some big homes inhabited by lots of wriggling fall webworms - moth caterpillars, and pests -

outside our room - which looks somewhat ramshackle here, but was very comfortable.

On the way back, we called in to the New Mexico Wildlife Center, just outside Espanola.  We've supported them for years - they do a terrific job rehabilitating injured wild animals and birds - and though in some ways it was melancholy to see the owls and raptors and a very, very large (and sleepy) bobcat, and an adorable silver fox not out in the wild, not one of them could survive there (unable to fly; too imprinted on humans, etc).  This is Corazon, a barn owl.

Oh, and by the way, the cats didn't seem to have missed us one little bit, which was slightly galling.  In other words, their feeders opened perfectly, and on time ...


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