Tuesday, August 6, 2024

our well camouflaged neighbor (and other wildlife commentary)

OK - he or she is a little over-pixelated, because we weren't as close as this suggests, and in any case I was snatching the shot.  And this is why we have indoor kitties (despite Gramsci's occasional attempts at demolishing the screens).  He or she seems young, fit, and not overtly bothered by us ...

The rest of the day has been spent (a) celebrating Tim Walz [a cat man!  And dog man, and piglet man, and in all other conceivable ways clearly a West Coast Radical Liberal in mid-western wolf's (or coyote's) clothing.  Not.]. and (b) welcoming the A/C engineer, yet again - who has two of the units working (again) and has found that the wires of the third keep shorting (scary) because they've been chewed through by mice.  I guess we'll be up on the roof leaving bars of Irish Spring soap everywhere.  Why can't the neighborhood bobcats spend a night or two up there, snacking?


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