Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mountains, Moorlands, and Moth

Hard at work, today ... There is, indeed, continuity in my work obsessions.  My last full book chapter is on Moorlands and peat bogs - on Millais and Moran, among others - but truly, this is involves going back to environmental interests that are so long-standing that my copy of W. H. Pearsall's Mountains and Moorlands, in Fontana's "New Naturalist" series, cost 12s 6d.  That's pre-decimal ... I wonder where my school project on Tregaron Bog, in Cardiganshire, has got to?  Moth, as you can tell, is unimpressed.


1 comment:

  1. Walter GomezAugust 13, 2024

    Moth has claimed the book for a pillow. Clever girl!
