Sunday, August 25, 2024


Before we left, I gave Wedgwood a hard prune - she was looking tired, with yellowing leaves, and seemed clearly spent for the season.  But ... she has sprung up again; grown several feet, and is happily producing a second round of very pretty blooms.  In other pruning news, I trimmed all the lavender, which, supposedly, should ensure a second bloom later in the year.  This was hardly a hardship (unlike giving Wedgwood a trim, since her thorns are vicious) - spending ten minutes swathed in lavender scent is a good way to spend some of one's morning.



  1. Walter GomezAugust 26, 2024

    She IS pretty and her thorns are devilish. During the summer, i tried to rethread the water drip so more of the water could get in. Quickly abandoned the attempt after getting stabbed! You must use gloves...?

  2. THICK gloves. She's pretty, indeed, but vicious. Who'd have thought she'd have such a nasty temperament?
