Wednesday, August 14, 2024

soaking and sunflowers

It's towards the end of the summer, and our customary ritual is to go and soak in a tub at 10,000 Waves, and then go and eat a lovely dinner in Izanami, their Japanese restaurant.  And to admire their wildflowers.

But ... although the soak, and the flowers, and indeed the food (that we received) were terrific, it was the worst service imaginable - inexplicably curt and grumpy. And believe me, we're a very charming and amenable couple to serve ... but a twenty minute wait before anyone came to take a drinks order was - long; then the food turned up before the sake and beer; then ... well, my main course never turned up.  We pointed this out, several times.  Eventually a waitperson told us the order-sheet in the kitchen said it had been delivered.  Manifestly it hadn't, or we'd have its remnants on the table.  Eventually our own waiter arrived (without the food), expressed no contrition, concern, or anything.  So I asked for the bill - which was put down in front of me without any grace - paid, and left (and yes, I did tip, but ...).  Not great, to have a special meal in a good restaurant, and to feel sulky all the way home.



  1. Walter GomezAugust 15, 2024

    I get it! Tipping through gritted teeth (or pursed lips...) isn't a great feeling. For the record, you two *are* a very charming couple. That pool, though. Worth it.

  2. Teeth are certainly best left ungritted, right now ...
