Friday, August 9, 2024

morning glory, stormy day

Posing bravely against the storm ... although in fact the storm turned up later in the day, and came from the other direction.  I know, by now, that I must seem obsessed by the morning glories, and maybe I am - but they make me - day after day - very cheerful.  And that seems very much in the spirit of the Harris/Walz campaign.  I can't quite get my head around its use of the word "joy" - a sentiment of which I wholeheartedly approve, of course - but linguistically ... well, my mother was called Joy, a name which she loathed (probably realizing that, despite her many virtues, it wasn't one that suited her core spirit).  So every time I hear it invoked by H and W, I do a kind of double take, all the while cheering them - and their cheerfulness - on.


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