Monday, October 7, 2013

a giraffe in class

I seemed to have plunged into a parallel universe in class today: at one minute I was setting up my computer, and at the next, I found that I had a student sitting there wearing a one-piece giraffe suit.  Faith told me that (a) her sister always gives her a new suit every time she takes final course examinations (a lovely gesture, but 'tis the season for mid-terms - I guess that she just has a supply, ready), and (b) that it's national onesies day.  In Scotland, she added.  Why that should apply to LA wasn't clear, especially when I checked on line, and Scottish onesies day seems to be on Friday.  There was a gay onesies day in Manchester last January 26th, which might have proved an unusual occasion.  But - is this some new British charity-funds raising custom, like Red Nose Day, that I've somehow missed out on?  It's actually quite easy to forget one's got a student dressed as a giraffe, after a while, it turns out - though I did warn them all that so far as taking photos goes, I regard anyone wearing outstandingly unusual clothes to have done the equivalent to signing a consent form.

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