Saturday, October 16, 2021

in which Moth wonders

... why Gramsci is making pitiful wailing sounds from behind a closed door.  So that he doesn't come out and beat you up and chase you and bounce all over you with his claws out, my dear ...  (Or possibly it has something to do with the Dodgers' loss - he is becoming a huge Dodgers fan).  But it's interesting that she is intrigued, not repelled, by his presence.

This wasn't going to be the PoftheD - it's just that I came downstairs from cleaning up the kitchen and came upon this scene, with all its interesting lights and angles.  It was obviously a day for sharp shadows and patches of light - this was my lunch on the sitting room balcony, with a brilliant blue sky (it was very hot today) and what suddenly looked like a very empty chair.  But Alice will be back from NYC tomorrow!


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