Sunday, September 4, 2022

a Sunday miscellany

Aren't these two wonderful?  I went to the British Museum to see the small show about the Dalziel Brothers and their engraving/printing company (which was fascinating, and included an engraving with glowworms that I didn't know (after a John William North drawing, illustrating a poem by Jean Ingelow) - and passed these wall hangings (didn't they get moths??) from CE 400-500, from Akhmim (Panopolis).  They are probably Actaeon and Artemis ...

Then much garden tidying this afternoon, watched by this skittish figure (from across the road, I think) - about five minutes later there was an appalling screeching sound, and it had nearly nearly nearly caught a magpie - he was left with a mouthful of feathers - and there was a commotion of magpies and crows for ages.

And this is just a view of a paperweight through the sitting room window.


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