Thursday, July 27, 2023

first of the year!

Grandpa Ott is out!  The first (self-seeding) morning glory of the year.  I could see that this was imminent - what I hadn't been expecting was to come out this morning and find that so many of his relatives had been nibbled to within an inch (or lower) of their leafy lives.  The pansies had already gone, I knew ... and two days ago, I also saw the culprit - one of the culprits? - who had come through one of the drainage holes in the patio wall: a small, young, brown, fluffy rabbit.

I have just been sticking large stones in the drainage holes - ones that I'll be able to remove quickly were the yard to start to flood.  Let's see if that does the trick - I'd like a few more of these to flower ...



  1. Walter GomezJuly 28, 2023

    Granpa Ott is a great name! In St. Paul, my friends call the backyard bunnies "Grendelinos/i" because they, like Grendel, decapitate our flowers without mercy.

  2. Oh, Grendelinos is perfect! Grandpa Ott is actually the botanical name of the MG - but I could call the depredator Grandbaby Ott, because he's definitely a youngish adolescent, having caught sight of him a couple of days back ...
