So indeed, this morning, I was up at 5.15 a.m., and shivering outside with a couple of Japanese men (one with a very covetable vintage 4 x 5 camera), to do the tourist thing of taking an image of Old Faithful erupting, in the dawn: tripod, remote release cable, the whole caboodle. Only - and I'm sure those images are fine, but I haven't downloaded them yet (I was using my Canon, whilst almost all the pictures that I've taken and posted have been using a new and much lighter Nikon, to which I've become a convert, but that's a whole other, technical and after nearly 30 years of using Canons, to me perplexing story). But I think they are probably somewhat stock... and very quickly I wandered away and round other parts of the geyser basin close to Old Faithful, admiring the buffalo who loomed out of the steam.
For there was a lot of steam - for it was very cold. And the boardwalks were coated in ice. All the same, I wished I'd gone down there even earlier, and perhaps given Old F a miss, in today's chilly dawn. The image above is of Castle Geyser, which was happily bubbling away and shooting up steaming water every few minutes. Then a little further along, these two signs
loomed out of the mist. And down the path on the left, I came upon two relatively elderly people on a bench, wearing about thirteen layers of clothing, who told me that the reason the boardwalks became so very lethal and slidey around there was that they were made of composite, not wood - composed of recycled jugs. Jugs?
And for all my talk of fancy cameras, I'm not sure that my favorite image of the day wasn't this one, of Jenny Lake, in the Grand Tetons, taken with my iPhone, and improved using the Toy Camera (a misnomer if ever I heard one - but then I don't think of Holgas etc as toys - more as fun instruments) app. I am clearly reverting to Victorian tastes.