Saturday, May 15, 2021

look, a party! (with goat)

... but first, for anyone looking for an update on LucyFur: she wasn't at all interested in any food this morning.  So I took her to the VCA Animal Specialty emergency hospital in Glendale, who have been wonderfully kind and helpful throughout today - they did tests, and gave her an X-ray.  The X-ray showed nothing; the tests suggest that the problem may be with her liver.  Tomorrow she gets an ultra-sound: tonight she's hospitalized, being given fluids and being fed through a tube.  I'm still hoping for an update this evening - her doctor said she'd call before she went home - but by now I'm just trusting that no news is good news (because, frankly, worrying otherwise is too much).

Hard to think about anything other than Lucy on our evening walk, of course - but down on Griffith Park Road we found a party going on!  With food, and drink, and a bouncy castle - and celebratory Mingling!  I think it was in part a graduation party, but above all, a huge celebration of relief at being able to socialize, and many people feeling that they could do so maskless.  I'm not sure who brought a young goat along, but that certainly added to the occasion.


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