Tuesday, May 25, 2021

poodle paws

when you've spent as much time in kitty hospital as LucyFur has done over the past two weeks, you end up with forepaws that are more elegantly shaved and shaped than our own ragged post-pandemic, post-a-hairdresser-who-was-concerted-to-QAnon-during-the-pandemic locks.  She'd been bird watching here; was just jumping down for some water - hence the meditative look. She's been fed entirely down her tube today - not interested in the real stuff you have to chew - so that will mean staying up until nearly midnight for her third feed of the day.  I am sure the human race has evolved so that it's hard wired to do this with babies ... In any case, for the most part, she's been quite a bit more cheerful today ... so long as her days are good from her point of view, I'll take one at a time ...


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