Saturday, May 29, 2021

other people choose their house paint color

I guess it's going to change from a darkish grey to a lighter grey, or maybe cream, or maybe white.  They don't exactly seem able to make up their mind (also, it's not a very prepossessing house in the first place - I doubt that whatever color they choose will make much difference).  Every house in the neighborhood seems to be having work done: we play our favorite game of "I wonder if it's going on the market?"

LucyFur: another better day, so far (last night, after I'd posted something relatively upbeat, she threw up all over the bed ...).  She ate one or two mouthfuls of food on her own, which was encouraging - tiny mouthfuls, but still.  I'm beginning to think I could write a book on Tips for Feeding Your Cat Through an Esophagostomy Tube and Giving Her Seven Different Types of Medicine, Too - certainly, in the amount of time that it takes I could be writing something.  But she's a wonderful tabby, and I don't begrudge a second spent slowly, slowly, slowly squeezing very expensive hyper-allergenic, nutri-bullet blended, sieved cat food into her through a syringe ...


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