Monday, September 16, 2024

a very gloomy fountain

To be sure, it's hard knowing what decor works in a hospital.  Too cheerful - like the children dancing in rings at the RWJ hospital in New Brunswick - and you run the risk of being mockingly optimistic.  Too gloomy - well, this double-sided fountain at Keck Hospital of USC, which has variegated textures with water running down each slab, seems positively funereal.  I don't even remember seeing it before, which is strange, but today it looked like a memorial wall, a dripping tomb-slab.  Luckily it didn't match my mood by the end of the day (all clear in various tests, unless you count the chunks of skin frozen off my cheek and scalp, but that was better than my last derm visit) - and indeed all medical staff that I saw were super upbeat - but this would depress me if I worked there, let alone if I was facing something personally grim.  What looks like color is, of course, a reflection of USC's ubiquitous cardinal and gold.  Even that is seriously muted.


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