Saturday, September 21, 2024

catalina island

It was worth getting up at dawn - not just for dawn itself, but for a trip to Catalina Island, to USC's Wrigley Field Station there.  A small group of us were being shown round, getting some pictures into our minds about what it would be like to bring students there and to use it as a study base - anything from a day trip to a 4-week Maymester (it's not that I have something specifically in mind, but I did want to see Catalina, and also the work being done at the Wrigley ....)

Water in tanks ...

View down to the landing harbor;

If you do experiments involving a lot of seawater splashing around, your filing cabinets get really rusty ...

And here's a beautiful rock formation.  It was all so quiet andpeaceful - I would happily have stayed for a month.   



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