Wednesday, September 11, 2024

campus security

Campus has grown a lot more railings - forests of them - forcing one onto the main pathways (together with electric scooters, skateboards, and tables and booths from the careers fair).  Given that we're also currently being told about the university's financial crisis (Exhibit A - the fact that All Library Purchases are - well, canceled.  The purchasing budget has been set at 0%.  Yes, I know this is a university), please could someone tell us how much this is costing??? - ditto the new elaborate gateways where we have to have our ID checked as we come and go.  I suppose the railings may come in handy for chaining ourselves to them, in protest.



  1. Walter GomezSeptember 12, 2024

    0% budget ?!?! That's unconscionable.

  2. 0%. We're told there are a lot of other good libraries in LA! We should look at WorldCat! Seroiusly.
