Friday, September 13, 2024

Storm Cloud

To The Huntington this evening, for the reception/opening of the Storm Cloud: Picturing the Origins of Our Climate Crisis exhibition - a show that's been four years in the making, and that's absolutely stunning. So many treats, very carefully and thoughtfully curated.  Even though I've been involved with it from the start, and have known what was going to be there (and what wasn't - organizing an exhibition is such a balancing act between one's wishes, the practicalities of what's to hand, and the availability and portability of objects) - even though I had a good idea of what individual images would be visible, the groupings and juxtapositions and wall panels - helpful without being didactic - were superb.  

So go and see - for example - some Ruskin drawings and daguerreotypes;

these ferns in William Henry Millais's (brother of the more famous ...) Hayes Common;

Andrew Melrose's Westward the Star of Empire - here's a detail - and I know it's normally just down the road at the Autry, but it's terribly hung and one can't see it properly -

and a taxidermied bird-hat.


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