Tuesday, September 17, 2024

someone bit into the moon

I was very glad that I remembered to go outside this evening and catch the partial eclipse of the full moon.  It's not been the best of days for being certain about where I am in the week.  Although I got crucial stuff straight (dissertation prospectus defense, graduate studies directors' meeting, meeting with grad student, etc), I was convinced, completely convinced when I got home that it was Wednesday, and scurried around frenetically gathering up old vegetables, bags of used kitty litter, empty and collapsed cardboard boxes, etc - all the average stuff that one might think of leaving outside J. D. Vance's office - taking them out to the trash, pulling out trash bins ... Do you think the lunar pull and tug worked on my brain?



  1. Walter GomezSeptember 18, 2024

    What a delightful picture! 'Tis better to be day early (for garbage pickup) than one day late. JD Vance is non compos mentis...

  2. Non compost mentis, perhaps? And yes, how right you are about the timing ...
