Saturday, April 9, 2022

some roses of our own

Not, to be sure, as spectacular in their numbers as those in some of our neighboring front gardens, but very pleasingly dense.  The pink one is Wedgewood - I wasn't sure whether she would make it, because she had to be dug up when a root severed a pipe at the end of last year, and is still in a large pot - she so hated being moved that I didn't want to disturb her again.  And the yellow - The Poet's Wife, who has a very promising number of buds, this year: I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because last year she was chewed very bare by something - I suspect a raccoon.  Tess of the D'Urbervilles - my third David Austin rose - is also blooming, with a deep red color that can only allude to Alec's blood seeping through the ceiling ...


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