Wednesday, March 4, 2009


These are very uncreative icicles.   After an evening spent listening to Jennie Livingston talk about her film work past and present, and watching her 2005 short *Who's the Top?*, and seeing work in progress on *Earth Camp One*, a photograph of melting icicles on the next door house - however attractive they might be, as icicles go - doesn't really seem to say anything very much.   I don't even have very many associations with icicles - our 2007 Christmas card, derived from photos taken of icicles hanging down from the canales on our Santa Fe house, doesn't really count... I was taken as a girl in Cumberland to see various completely frozen waterfalls, but they weren't really icicles...and then there are the icicles that hang down under the rail road bridge in New Brunswick and look as though they're about to fall off and skewer cars...  Sometimes, I suppose, an icicle is just an icicle.   If I had a little more time to be creative, instead of falling asleep, I'd find a suitable word to inscribe in pencil-grey on some of those window frames, very very faintly.   I did, just now, try typing in "Go manacle your icicle" - on four separate panes - but it didn't have the right effect, and so this won't be part of my long, long, slow, occasionally-happening project of making creative photographs around Emily Dickinson poems - but that's not to say that these icicles won't get recycled - re-icycled? - for that purpose, in time.

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