Tuesday, May 31, 2022

her maj, family life, etc

This may be the strangest Jubilee - er - manifestation.  Let me introduce you to Kingston Eye Hospital's display - two banners, and between them what must, surely, be A Throne.  It says - Please Do Not Sit.  Luckily, there weren't quite people sitting on the floor today - they had wheelchairs, etc - but it was horribly crowded, and my father's whole run of appointments - a standard run - took over three hours.  Even this display was poor recompense.

Earlier in the day, we'd been into St Pancras where - mercifully - Alice had a negative Covid test - with the Gothic architecture providing a great backdrop:

Since both of us have spent the last ten days cycling through every known Covid symptom (albeit mildly) - even if continually testing negative - that was a considerable relief.  Who knows?  Not what we'd wanted for our vacation, but ...

Coming back over Putney Bridge, thunder skies ...

... and from our pub-hotel room in Wimbledon Village tonight, more dramatic lighting ...

and a somewhat forced attempt at a Happy Family Selfie.  Ah well.  Alice flies back tomorrow; I stay on, staying at my father's, for a bit ...


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